12 Free activities to do during COVID-19 pandemic

Off the cuff—Sunday morning ramblings
12 Free activities you can do during COVID-19 pandemic


You can deliver a home-cooked food neighbor to an older person, or just buy groceries for a needy family. This period is the time to show extreme Kindness to people you do not even know- bake cookies or make them a face mask and share. 


Open your mind and "think outside the box." I mean, be innovative and be daring. So what if you fail? Keep trying. Think of novel ideas to do things around the house or your job. Maybe write a novel or make a quilt, or garden and plant some flowers. Many times we don’t know we have the creative instincts inside us.


These challenging times could be the time to learn a foreign language like Spanish, Chinese, or Tagalog. Learn about how the airlines are garaging Airbus planes now that they are not in full usage. Continuous Learning is about never feeling too old to learn. Don’t be afraid to learn new skills—like play a musical instrument. I will learn simple magic tricks.

Imagine a post-COVID-19 world. What would the world exist in the "new normal?" Now that we are all confronted with the virus, does it make sense to discriminate? COVID-19 is the great equalizer for it does not discriminate by race, nationality, or wealth. The COVID-19 attacks the rich, the poor, the old, and the young. We are all one people. Corona reminds us, we all have the same body type. So there is proof there is no inherent white superiority and black inferiority. COVID-19 attacks all races regardless, which means we are one body?


Have an intimate conversation with your loved ones, friends, or acquaintances. Time to have a meaningful conversation with your loved ones, send them a text message, or even post an old picture of your relatives on social media. Smile frequently.


Have you thought of reading any of Shakespeare's books? O the Chronicles of Nadia? I read my two favorites authors V. S. Naipaul and Paulo Coelho. Quite some writers. Any Children's books? Read a cookbook and try one recipe. Or check out a book from the public library 


This moment an opportunity to improve your relationships. If we break it, try to mend the relationship. If it is good, time to solidify and reinforce. As Stephen Covey states in his book, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” “Sharpen the Saw.” Take this time to work on your relationships with coworkers since you do not see them face-to-face every day. If they are weak, it is time to patch the weak links. 


Prayer is talking to God and sharing our minds and hearts with God. Prayer is free and does not have to be a lengthy conversation with God. Keep it short, but just say what is on your mind. God listens. We need not go to church to pray. Maybe you can take a few minutes while doing household chores and pray.


Meditation and yoga would ease your mind and reduce stress. We can be Corona-free, but not stress -free. There is no vaccine for mental stress except our minds and what we think. As the saying goes, "we become what we believe."


If we still have work, that’s an excellent thing. Many people are out of work and struggling to put food on the table. If you have a job, pray for those who don’t have work. Pray for the day we will return to "normalcy." Do your work—uninterrupted and better than ever before. Give your company a chance to be the surviving company in the industry.


I hope for the best as we go through these challenging times. This moment is not the time to blame, point fingers, or make broad false statements about the vaccines or its cure. We need to listen to our medical experts and state leaders continuously. Follow their recommendations. Yes, we want this virus to disappear today, but it will take time. According to Dr. Fauci, "The virus sets the timeline."


If you can wake up to sunrise this morning and see the brightness of the sun, you are better off than the 163,134 who have lost their lives, be grateful. If you can still breathe fresh air, you are better off than the thousands, even in hospitals. The sun will shine, and we all can be happy to enjoy the gifts of nature soon.

We must stop becoming helpless victims or fall in the trap of emotional despair. Be patient and be healthy.


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